I just realized that my Windows directory has over 34 GB of stuff. What the heck!!!
When you have Office, a couple of versions of Visual Studio, and few other Microsoft programs, you basically have already gobbled up about 80 GB of hard disk space. I found this online and found it to be useful and effective. It shaves off about 8 GB of your Windows folder. Still not what I had expected but I can definitely use 8 GB for other important documents.
I'm just puzzled at what is Micros soft putting in an Operating system folder? huh? 28 GB of crap?
Open a command prompt (make sure you either have Admin privileges). If you do not have Admin privileges, then open the command prompt as Admin.
dism /online /cleanup-image /spsuperseded /hidesp
When you have Office, a couple of versions of Visual Studio, and few other Microsoft programs, you basically have already gobbled up about 80 GB of hard disk space. I found this online and found it to be useful and effective. It shaves off about 8 GB of your Windows folder. Still not what I had expected but I can definitely use 8 GB for other important documents.
I'm just puzzled at what is Micros soft putting in an Operating system folder? huh? 28 GB of crap?
Open a command prompt (make sure you either have Admin privileges). If you do not have Admin privileges, then open the command prompt as Admin.
dism /online /cleanup-image /spsuperseded /hidesp
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