There is a cool and beneficial tool in Windows 7 called PSR. Just type PSR on the Run command. Then Press the Start Record Button. It records all user interactions with applications running on your PC. When you are done, Press Stop Record and save the generated file ( a .mht file) that can be viewed in a Browser. You should give this a try.
By default, Visual Studio’s Solution Explorer will update its selected item based on the currently active document. This is extremely annoying as it keeps expanding your projects and folders until your solution explorer becomes unmanageable and unusable, unless you collapse all Projects (Only available if you have Visual Studio Power Commands) installed) and even then, after collapsing the entire solution, the saga returns back. Turn off Active tracking 1. Turn your Active tracking off by going to Tools > Options 2. Select “Projects and Solutions” node 3. Uncheck the “Tack Active Item in Solution Explorer” Add a macro to do on-demand tracking 4. Tools > Marcos > Macro Explorer 5. You will see “MyMacros” Module (Node). Right mouse click on MyMacros and invoke “New Module…” 6. Name it anything you like. I Named it Utilities 7. Right mouse click on Utilizes and invoke “new Macro…” menu. The Macros IDE window opens. 8. Paste in the following into it within the Publ...
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