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I forgot to ask a question about this Blog

I set this up so I receive an e-mail whenever a post or a comment was left by me or anyone else. Do you guys get that option. I know you get the option of subscribing to a particular post/thread, but do you have the option to subscribe to any post or any comment globally and get e-mail?
I cannot tell because I'm an Admin and an Author but I made all of you Authors as well.
Please could someone let me know.
Also, can you guys just let me know if you think this is better than the course info dicussion board or not?


  1. In the "Followers" section to the right, next to my name I clicked on 'options' then 'site settings' , which brings me to a settings page. On that page I clicked on 'messaging' and it gave the following checkbox options:

    Messaging options for this site:
    Allow site members to send messages to your email address.
    Receive site newsletters and communication from Youssef's Blog

    So, I'll see if I get an email when someone posts or comments...

  2. oh! I wanna check that cause i dont receive emails... I just randomly check everyday to see if someone has post something new.

  3. I feel like this is a lot cleaner than the discussion board. It doesn't quite highlight new messages as well, but the subject matter can be chunked, tagged, and sorted easier.


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